Wednesday, November 10, 2010


image courtesy: Hitha
I walk through…
When your butt is literally stuck to a swiveling chair for about 11 hours a day, walking happens to be the most happening of an activity in your otherwise mundane life! This small endeavor that takes me home is filled with interesting subjects worth being observed, worth being heard and worth being felt.
So the race begins from Sree Moolam club junction which is at its busiest, in the evenings. The city chef vehicle which appears only in the dusk is parked in line with all those expensive cars in front- with drivers, without drivers. The aroma of the exquisite cuisine confined to the lit interiors of the van, attract as many nocturnal beings as does the hungry food lovers. I pass the plates of parathas, chappathis, beef fries, chilly chickens stepping up the kerb, stepping down the kerb, to reach the Tagore Theater.  A dark background is symptomatic that the theater is free of any programs/shows. On nights such as these, when only the sodium lamps make visibility a novel idea, you can catch the trees cast shadows long and forlorn. The round and luminous moon peeping from behind the trees has this hypnotic zeal which literally pulls me to him. I love gazing at him, enjoying it as far as I could get with my unusually fast stride, straining against the canopies of trees, against the clouds that would appear all of a sudden!
The lights of the cars and bikes and the odd vehicles are not only blinding, they make my presence all the more conspicuous.  I hurry across the walkway, for I know I am being watched. I cant blame them. I am a lone lady crossing from kerb to kerb, dodging men walking leisurely, men talking on phones, men hurrying across odd jobs, never failing to cast a glance over me.
For the 1001th time, I wished I wasn’t so noticeable. For the 1001th time, I wished I could melt away into the invisible realms. For the 1001th time, I wished I was merely an observer than the observed

The encounters:
The power savvy: They stopped about 100m ahead of me and started on their business of ‘scaring the weaker sex’. The unflinching indomitable look plastered on my face actually concealed a trembling me who was praying feverishly, oh gods please don’t let them attack me physically! And wasn’t I lucky? J
The amateur: The guy had probably hoped for an encounter, but as I fumbled in my bag for a pen knife, the guy first started walking backwards and then turned into a sprint. The fear on the plausible perpetrator made the incident all the more hilarious! J
The pervert: It was a biker. While slapping, he sure did lose his balance but recovered just in time to ride off into the darkness. It took a min for my reflex actions to start working. Till date I have not been able to forgive myself for not having at least thrown a stone at him!  L

Care for a walk now?
So the walking which used to be a rejuvenating experience has literally turned into a nightmare. At some point of time, I did wonder how different it would have been had there been a lover/ spouse/ male friend. Surely if he cared enough, he would accompany me, make it a leisurely experience and I would sleep off gratefully for another abuse free day! But for how long? How long is anyone going to be there? My experiences have time again solidified the age old saying ‘thanikk thaanum perakk thunum’.
I should maybe equip myself with a pepper spray [as my concerned male friends not anywhere near me to help me, advised me].  Or I should take the rickshaw [it’s rarely that I do not fight with the driver], or maybe even better - get a vehicle for myself [I so hate driving]. The needs of the times suggest that I seriously consider mastering one of the martial art forms (just in case!).
So moral of the story is- a woman who walks the streets at 7.30 in the evenings is bound to be stalked! So lady - change your lifestyle!  A heartfelt thanks to the sexually frustrated male population of a sex deprived moralistic hypocritical society. Should I squeeze in more adjectives? L


  1. Gud one!...:), remember Zahir?, Being with a person who behave like you dont exist make you feel lonelier than walking alone in the roads of Tvm! dont thnk it mite b different if u were wit a guy...

    Bt ya, u r rite n d middle of s.d.m.h perverts; so cme to ahmedabad..., nd njoy being a woman...:)ESCAPE!!!

  2. deepz....nice work..ur representations lik s.d.m.h KURACHU KOODI POYILLE..:-)
    ambily...zahir statement is soo gud for the definition of i donn think wht u said is right here..i donn knw abt a guy as an huz,bt as a friend he is perfect n it will b diff...

  3. ambily chech....!ahmedabad has been there @ the bakc of my mind fro years now....! wonder myself whats tying me dn here..!!! thnx for reminding me abt th zahir quotes...!
    thank you jenin...koodi poyo...olla karyam alle paranje...? :) bt jenin...were do you get frnds frm the oppsite sex who care for you in a genuine way...?? anywys...frendz or no frendz..u need to live with the world around....!

  4. Deepa,
    an interesting read, but I didnt know it happens in vazhuthacaud. Why dont you get out of the office before its dark. The best thing is to get a two wheeler, but still these 'krimikal' will be there.
    Next time if there is a prob just call me, I stay very near.
    When somethign like this happen, even if you are laid back my the incident for teh moment, make sure you react and react loud.

  5. i need to put a word abt ahemdabad...its no better...i have had similar experience rite in front of cept nywer its all the same ...guess paris is awesome!!!

  6. Sharp write up. Nice

    The end of your post made to muse abt posting a topic in my blog: the same topic came into mind while watching "asianet nammal thammil"; recently.

  7. No no no.

    Yes, a woman walking alone late evenings, will be 'noticeable'.
    Yes, it is no easy walk.
    Yes, yes yes.

    But no to 'stop the loner walks'. Let's stop the stalks. And we can. Now there is you, me, and a few others here and there. Small number. But it will go up. When the streets are lit by 'em women all times of a day and night, what's there to stare at? It's just another sight.

    Twenty years ago, a grown woman (say in 20s) who chose to wear anything other than a Sari would be stared at. Fifteen years ago, it was a woman who rode a two-wheeler. Today, both are so common no one cares. Tomorrow there will be 100s of Deepa Sasis loiterring around Tagore Theatres, no one is going to give a **** about it :-). Let's take the world there, we should help it grow you know. The world, that is.

